Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Hello! My name is Kimmi and this is my blog. I am starting this blog for my Personal Progress Faith project. If you don't know what that is let me explain. 

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Young Women's group is for girls from ages 12-18. We have a program called Personal Progress. For Personal Progress we study and learn about eight different values:   

Divine Nature 
Individual Worth
Choice and Accountability 
Good Works
and Virtue

 For each value we complete six different experiences. After we complete those experiences for each value, we do a ten hour project. This is very much like the Scout program for guys. 

The reason I'm starting this blog is to finish my Faith project. I must admit that this project has caused me some woe. I have been tossing around ideas for this project for about a year now. But now I have found something that will stick. At first I was reluctant to take on the big task of keeping up with a blog --and it seems like everyone and their sister has one-- but upon reading this month's New Era (Our church magazine for youth) I decided it was a good choice. The theme  was how to use technology wisely. One of the ways is sharing your testimony and the truths about the church. The thing about the internet is that you can put anything out there. It doesn't have to be true or right, it can be ANYTHING. Much of that "anything" is negative. There is so much gossip out there that has no proof to back it up. Even if it's something that is true we shouldn't be degrading people for enjoyment. This is my way of showing the positive aspects of life. Showing that there it light at the end of the tunnel (Yay for cliches!). 

Another purpose is that I want to share how I am able to live in a crazy world, yet still keep my standards high. I know what it's like to be a young woman in the world. I have not been sheltered from all the horrific things. I know the challenges, fears, and temptations that girls my age face. I am not saying that I have been through it all or even that I can imagine what some girls go through. I just want you to know that I am normal. I have lived a somewhat normal life. I don't walk around thinking that everything is all daisies and butterflies. I know what's out there. 

I would like you to read my posts with an opened mind and heart, and please do not judge my lack of writing skills. 


  1. Your blog will be fantastic, Kimmi! What a great project!!!

  2. Wow Kimmi! I'm so glad that you found a project for Faith. I've been having trouble lately finding a project for Divine Nature. But I'm sure I'll find something as great as yours!
